Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Beautiful Countryside.

Our most beautiful drive was through Colorado into Arizona. The difference between the two states was amazing to see. We took Route 285 south through Colorado which brings you literally right in between in rockies and by what are called the Collegiate peaks. My second picture is one of the collegiate points. They are some of the highest peaks in Colorado. We had our cameras our for almost the entire 8 hour drive. We then took a pit stop at the 4 Corners where you can be in 4 states at once (Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona). Sitting on the concrete border corners were HOT. I sat there for 2 seconds just to take the picture because it was boiling compared to those mountain ranges in Colorado. Arizona was amazing as well the red rocks and desert land was a beautiful place to watch the sunset. Although people drive like lunatics there! Everyone goes about 90 miles an hour and they pass you if you are not.

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